Tuesday 29 September 2009

Kleeneze on TV

Kleeneze is a work from home opportunity , which operates in UK, Ireland, Netherlands and Germany. unlike so many other opportunities , you can earn profit from day one

Kleeneze has been making life easier for households across the country for 85 years, and 2008 will be no exception! The company’s brand new catalogue is packed full of clever products to take the ‘work’ out of housework, and with hundreds of innovative and extremely helpful gadgets on offer, the hardest thing is deciding what to buy.

The famous Kleeneze catalogue is delivered door-to-door, with recipients ordering inexpensive, high quality goods through a network of friendly distributors. As well as practical items for the home and garden, the catalogue features some quite brilliant time and labour-saving gadgets.

Kleeneze are now advertising on National TV, this is a testament to how the business is growing in the recession.In fact while most companies are down sizing we are expanding and urgently require additional distributors in The UK, Ireland, Netherlands and Germany.

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